Household Cleaners

“I just use Windex to Clean my Glasses.” Those words are like Nails on a Chalkboard to an Optician or Lab Tech. Using Household Cleaning Products on your Glasses can shorten the life of your Frames and Lenses. Depending on the type of Lenes you have (Polarized; Anti-Reflective; Anti-Fog; Blue Light/ Ultraviolet.) your lenses likely have multiple coatings. Using products such as Windex or other various Household Cleaners will strip the coatings off the lenses, rendering them useless.

We talked about “Buffing Scratches out of Lenses” in a recent Post, and it’s similar to the same effect. You’re not actually cleaning or filling in the surface of the lens– you’re removing layers of coating along with the lens itself, causing it to become thinner which could alter your prescription. Granted, that’s more so in regard to ‘removing’ scratches, but household cleaners will equally strip coatings off of lenses.

Your Frames are no different. Most of them have coats of polish that you’ll remove, which will make the frames appear dull and matte. These coatings also provide a layer of protection against the elements and your hard-earned sweat and tears that collect around the nasal pads and the bottom of the lenses.

“Alright so what am I supposed to use?” Honestly, you’re better off just using Water & a little Soap than you would be with using Windex or something similar. If that answer doesn’t appease your standards of cleanliness, then you can always pick up any Eyeglass Cleaner on Amazon for about the price of a pack of gum. Additionally, EyeHowse provides a deep Cleaning Service where your Glasses are disassembled and thoroughly cleaned– and for those Glasses that seem beyond having any resemblance of hope for survival, check out our EyeHowse Special, which includes a deep cleaning along with Nasal Pad & Screw Replacement to make your Glasses look like new again.
